Free Health Camp: Check Your Child’s Nutritional Status at CBM Health Centre

CBM Health Centre, serving the community since 1975, is pleased to invite you to a special FREE health camp on 24th June, 2023. This is an excellent opportunity to check your child’s nutritional status and ensure their well-being.

Date: 24th June 2023
Location: CBM Health Centre

Our experienced medical professionals will conduct FREE tests to assess your child’s health. The following tests will be available:

🍎 Nutritional Status Check Discover your child’s nutritional status and receive valuable insights on their dietary needs.

💉 HB Level Testing Determine your child’s hemoglobin level to assess their overall health and well-being.

🦴 Bone Mineral Density Evaluate your child’s bone health with a non-invasive test to detect any abnormalities.

For more information and to book your FREE consultation, please contact Dr. Warda at 021-99247033.

Don’t miss this opportunity to ensure your child’s health and well-being. Avail yourself of our FREE camp and consult with our dedicated medical team.

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