CBM Health Centre Hosts Successful Hospital Waste Management Workshop
CBM Health Centre is proud to announce the successful conclusion of its recent “Hospital Waste Management Workshop.” The workshop, held at the CBM Health Centre Conference Room, played a pivotal role in advancing the center’s commitment to maintaining a safe and environmentally conscious healthcare environment for staff and patients alike.
The workshop was led by experienced facilitators in the field, who engaged participants through interactive discussions and practical activities. This allowed staff members to acquire essential knowledge and skills for effective hospital waste management.
CBM Health Centre extends its gratitude to all participants for their active involvement and dedication to upholding the highest standards of waste management within the institution. By implementing the knowledge and practices gained from this workshop, the center continues to prioritize the safety and well-being of its community, while also contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.
As CBM Health Centre remains dedicated to healthcare excellence, stay tuned for more exciting initiatives and advancements in the near future.