Almas Collection Jewelers

Almas Collection Jewelers offer a very wide range of products, from diamonds, gold, silver, wedding jewelry to fine jewelry. Their jewelry allows them to meet the needs of all their customers, and thus satisfy their requirements at all levels.

Almas Jewelers is a family owned and operated company doing business for over forty years. They are proudly the largest privately owned jewelry chain with locations in Karachi, Pakistan and Dallas, TX, USA.‘Almas’ in Arabic means ‘Diamond’. ‘Ishtiaque’ means ‘Passion’. Ishtiaque Almas is the founder of Almas Collection Jewelers and has personally operated its business since 1967.

Address: Pakistan Chowk, next to Meezan Bank HQ 25 Mech. Div, Malir Cantt, Karachi.
Contact: (021) 35689333
Whatsapp: +92 336 5671333

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