Tag: British Council

‘British Council’ face-to-face for the IELTS Awareness Session by IWZ
Finally, the big event is back! The prestigious British Council is all set to host an IELTS Awareness Session in Malir Cantt. This face-to-face interaction is an excellent opportunity for all the aspiring students who are planning to take the IELTS test. The agenda of the session is to provide awareness about the IELTS test, […]

Inauguration of IWZ–LEARNING SPACE
Indeed, deeds are (judged) by intentions. Every man will be rewarded only for what they intended. When your heart is pure & your intentions are sincere, the ALMIGHTY(j) has a way of making sure that everything works out for you. On January 30, 2023. IWZ celebrated the Inauguration Ceremony of IELTS with Zehra | Learning […]

INAUGURATION CEREMONY of IWZ (IELTS with Zehra) On-Campus Learning Space.
You are cordially invited to join the INAUGURATION CEREMONY of IWZ (IELTS with Zehra) On-Campus Learning Space. Entailed with the IELTS AWARENESS SESSION in collaboration with the British Council. Mark Your Calendars for, 30th January 2023 | Monday | 6:30 p.m. Guest of Honour: • Mr. M Imran Khan(British Council Representative) Hosted by: • Syeda […]

Register now for Cambridge O level English Language (1123)
In-person Assistance to “Cambridge O level English Language (1123)”. Now in Malir Cantt! Register for O level English Language (1123)Sessions 4 weeks/ 2 hours/ 8 sessions/ 2 Mock testsTues – Thurs | 5 to 7 p.m.Location: IWZ (D.O.H.S Phase 2)Contact: +92 302 1219993 / +92 344 8194140

Cambridge O level English Language (1123) by IWZ
IWZ proudly announce In-person Assistance to “Cambridge O level English Language (1123)”. Now in Malir Cantt!Location: IWZ (Street 2, D.O.H.S Phase 2)Connect for further details: +92 302 1219993 | +92 344 8194140

Official IELTS Test Registration Centre at Malir Cantt
“IELTS with Zehra” provides one-on-one quality educational assistance to its students. “IWZ” have expertise with assisting in the IELTS Test Preparation, English Language Course (L1) & Cambridge O level English Language (1123). “IWZ” is an Official IELTS Test Registration Centre approved by “British Council”. ☆ For further details, connect overFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/IELTSwithZehra/Contact: +923021219993 Syeda Alishbah Zehra(ESL […]

British Council F2F IELTS Awareness Session held by IWZ
Malir Cantt was fortunate to host its second ever interaction with the prestigious “British Council” face-to-face for IELTS Awareness Session, powered by IWZ aka IELTS with Zehra. A successful, 2nd in-person “IELTS Awareness Session” was held at the Hexagon Academy. A great source of learning “ALL ABOUT IELTS” by the co-owned organization of the IELTS […]

IELTS Awareness Session by IWZ
The most awaited “IELTS Awareness Session” by IWZ aka IELTS With Zehra is happening now! Malir Cantt is fortunate to host its second interaction with the prestigious “British Council” face-to-face for IELTS Awareness Session. Agenda: “IELTS Awareness Session”Dated: 24th September 2022, Saturday.Time: 5 to 6 p.m.Venue: “Hexagon Academy” in Askari V – Malir Cantt. All […]

IWZ presents IELTS Awareness Session in collaboration with British Council
IELTS WITH ZEHRA in collaboration with British Council presents IELTS Awareness Session on 6th June, 2022 at Askari Hexagon Academy. To RegisterContact: +92 302 1219993Date: Monday, 6th June, 2022Time: 5:30 pmFees: FREE OF COSTFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/IELTSwithZehra

Free Webinar on “English as a Second Language” by IWZ
In the better interest of IWZ Students as well as global society, S.A. Zehra wanted to produce a virtual event. This event is intended to bring attention to certain themes for the evening. EVENTDETAILS: Topic: “ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE”Date: 26th March 2022, Saturday.Time: 4 p.m. till 5:30 p.m.Medium: Google Meet THEMES: English as a […]